Our Purpose

To help you discover God's love, community with others, and

a life of purpose. 

Our Process

GROW spiritually, LIVE in community, & SERVE the world.

Our Values

1. We commit our hearts to God and following His voice.

Nothing is more important than growing our love for God and partnering with His work.

2. We give up things we love for who we love even more.

Through serving, we point people to God's love.

3. We will have joy on our face and encouragement on our lips. 

Our joy is found in Christ's love and we share it with others.

4. We train up leaders in God's truth to change the world. 

Jesus called us to go and make disciples of all nations...and this is what we do.

Church directory

Members and regular attenders are encouraged to join our church directory! Please email: info@accbethechurch.com